Welcome back to my blog! Read on as I talk on about the wonders of writing and how to improve yourself! Thanks for reading!
This week I'm going to share what I've learned on a specific part of the writing process, thus named: the outline.
Wait! Don't be scared off by the title, because, yes, outlines can be scary and intimidating. I have felt the same way as you might be feeling right now. But I'm here to tell you that outlines don't have to be scary. And when used correctly, they can make the writing and editing process so much easier.
Now, I agree that there can be things about using an outline that make the writing process less... exciting, maybe. And that can be true when you take the time to completely map out your story details and plot, but we can't forget the good that outlines do. Yes, it takes any spontaneousness (wow, what a word) out of the writing, but let's be real, is spontaneousness always good?
Now take this flower. It is intricate and delicate and there are so many components that make it up to be like it is (those of you who read my last blog post will remember some of this analogy). This flower represents a finished story. Imagine it as your story all finished and completed. It is beautiful, for certain, but it didn't always look like this. At one point, it probably didn't look like anything special at all, and let's face it, most of us who write have probably felt this way about some part of our writing at one time or another. Just... be honest with yourself. :)
Now, back to my point. This flower is beautiful now, but how did it get this way? It had to grow! And what does a flower need to grow? Let's see... if I remember correctly it needs soil (earth), sunlight, and water. It cannot grow into such a beautiful flower without ALL of those components.
So an outline is like the soil or earth for the flower to grow in. It is the foundation for the flower. And it is what keeps the flower centered and firm while it grows. That is just what an outline does for a story.
An outline keeps the story on track when it is so easy to follow those many rabbit trails that are always calling to us writers! The outline reminds us to keep on point with our story so we may share something meaningful with the world.
Plus, the outline also makes the editing process go easier (and I'm sure we all want that). When we don't follow as many rabbit trails, then there is less to cut out and rewrite once we reach the dreaded stage of writing called: revision.
I'm sure I've probably convinced you that outlines are important by now (at least I hope so) and you are probably thinking, "so what? I can see they are important, but does that matter? It doesn't change the fact that I hate writing and using them!" And yes, I get your point. And I was just going there.
Perhaps you are like me in that you don't always use an outline when you write. Yes, I confess I am a bit of a hypocrite at times when I write, but sometimes it's just nice to not write so seriously, and just do it with more freedom. As a result, I have had some experience in writing stories using both an outline and writing without one.
When I prepare and outline, and use one, there are several tricks I use that I have gleaned from several writing classes I have taken throughout my life. And I hope that by sharing them with you, it will make your outline easier to write :)
First: don't even start the outline unless you have a lot of ideas and information written down or in your head for your story (this stuff is usually called brainstorming).
Second: start the outline somewhat vague (this may seem weird, but from experience, I've found that it does help to not go into so much detail right away). By keeping it more open, you can improvise and adjust when you come across things that need to be changed, whether plot holes or just a small mistake.
Third: loosely map out the ENTIRE story on paper (it helps to have it either printed or handwritten instead of just on the computer. That way, changes can easily be made). Trust me, there is something about holding the outline in your hand and being able to make notes that helps. I don't know why, but it helps me.
Fourth: once you have the outline printed and kept to be vague, as in not too much detail per chapter, then go through it. Make changes as needed and add more detail (still keep it loose though).
That is mostly the tips I follow when outlining. But I do have some other, more critical tips (as in format) that I use when writing it as well. These tips were given to me by a wonderful writing teacher who really helped me to grow in my love of writing and I wouldn't be the writer I am today without her.
Here is the format I generally use for writing an outline: (keep in mind that this is loose and would be changed somewhat depending on the story you write)
Chapter One
First line of story (generally keep to short spurts. Don't give a lot of information and make it easy to read)
Keep it to just an overview
Not detailed
Small bits of information to keep you on track
Chapter Two
Make sure to keep chapters separate
Sometimes use abbreviations such as @ or slang to keep it short as well
Have double spacing between lines to allow for correction or edits
So there you have it! That is generally the format I use, and the one I have found to be the most useful. Currently, I am using this format in my outline for the novel I am writing :)
Here is another flower picture for you, just because ;)
"The more work you put in on your outline and getting the skeleton of your story right, the easier the process is later."
Drew Goddard